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Voici un code en c que j'ai testé hier. Il suffit de brancher le sandwich sur le port parallele et de lancer la routine suivante depuis une machine linux ou un emulateur unix.

bon amusement!


Note de Kitetoa: Ce code nous a été édressé par mail. Nous déclinons toute responsabilité dans la destruction de données, de programmes informatiques qui resulterait de son usage

//HamSandwich access code by splitting the os
//By: Slay McGregor ( - (icq: 37418890)
#include <tomato.h>
#include <knife.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <butterwall.h>
#include <salad.h>
#include <ketchup.h>

//info code
//Main code, check the version of the os.
//version: 1.0 = standard : bread/ham/bread
//version: 1.1 = bread, butterwall, ham, bread
//version: 2.0 = bread, ketchup, salad, ham, bread
//version: 3.0b= bread, ketchup, salad, cheese, ham, bread
//info code
if (version = 1.0)  {
   define version "1.0"
if (version = 1.1)  {
   define version "1.1"
if (version = 2.0)  {
  define version "2.0"
if (version = 3.0b)  {
  define version "3.0b"
  goto scan
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

//info code
//scan, to check the type of bread, smooth of hard
//info code
scanf level1
if (return = char *smooth*) {
  define type "smooth"
if (return = char *hard*) {
  define type "hard"
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

//info code
//level 1, access the bread with different force (smooth/hard)
//info code
if (type = smooth) {
   start -knife -size:1
if (type = hard) {
   start -knife -size:2
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

//info code
//level2, access the butterwall or the ketchup, of the ham (change btw
version of the os)
//info code
if (version < 1.1) {
  goto ham
if (version >= 1.1) {
  if (levelname = butterwall) {
   goto butterwall
  if (levelname = ketchup) {
   goto ketchup
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

//info code
// -loop:3 cause it's salad field and we need to force it 3 times
//info code
level3 {
if (version = 1.1) {
  goto ham
if (version >= 2.0) {
knife -force:+1 -loop:3
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

//info code
//access to the 4th field, the cheese in version 3.0b (near the end!!)
//info code
level4 {
if (version = 2.0) {
  goto ham
if (version = 3.0b) {
  goto cheese
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

butterwall {
su butter
do {
sendkey "hi, i'm a butter, how do you do?"
sendkey "maybe we could spent some time together... what do you think?"
printf("the butter is now sure that you are butter too and let you get in")
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart
ketchup {
su heinz
do {
sendkey "Remember i'm the boss, and i'll give you all your order"
sendkey "and when we'll split, we'll split my way!"
sendkey "you got me?"
sendkey "split"
printf("the ketchup just shut up and remove himself from the bread...")
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

cheese {
printf("the cheese need smooth but quick attack, to avoid problem with it")
knife -force:+3 -smooth
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

ham {
printf("you're now on the main part of the sandwich\nthe sandwich will be
split in 2 seconds...")
knife -force:+2 -end
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

tomato {
printf("the first access was denied, we're not trying a defaut account:
su tomato
sendkey bread,level1,level2,level3,level4
goto main
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

baker {
printf("the second access was denied, we're not trying a defaut account:
su baker
sendkey bread,level1,level2,level3,level4
goto main
if error = true {
  define try try +1
  goto restart

//info code
//restart the attack (3 times attack)
//info code
restart {
if (try = 1) {
  goto tomato
if (try = 2) {
  goto baker
if (try = 3) {
  printf("Access denied on the sandwich, please try again later")
  shutdown -r NOW



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