RIGHT IN CYBERSPACE by Gomma - Decoder magazine Italy
We are from what could be called the province of the
empire, and we've seen the dynamics of the technological transformation
from a particular point of view that is particularily stimulating. After
all, maybe, it's true what was said by the science fiction writer, Richard
Kadrey: "Nothing interesting happens at the center. Everything interesting
happens at the edges." In Italy just a few days ago, like an ugly
Orwellian dream, Silvio Berlusconi, the owner of six television networks,
became the prime minister. Someone could suspect that the Italian people
have been transformed into a mass of television Zombies. In reality, the
situation is not so simple, and it seems to be more dangerous than that of
having a dictator from a cathode tube. That which has changed in Italy
could happen in any country where modernity is adapted and passed on with
its own crushing strength. The result of the political spectacle expresses
the radical economic transformation of Italian society over the last 15
years. In fact, it has passed from an economic phase in which fordist
factories had a central role in a productive situation of fragmentation,
based on so-called autonomous workers who have a distinct economic
outline, and a higher developed micro-management, diffused in the zones
that were already developed in the previous economic phase. Therefore,
this determined a global change of values, now turned into instances of
desolidarization. This is where the failure of the traditional leftist
parties fit in; they abandoned the main principles of work into the hands
of the right, without knowing how they could have channeled the energies
toward a democratic transformation of modern society.People needed signals
for the future, and that no one was giving it to them. And what happened
is simple: on the edge of a completely transformed landscape, the
capitalists who were more innovative, exactly like those who manage the
television media, proposing the values of the future. Throughout a year
Italy has changed into a country more Japanese than Japan, driven by a
political corporation that promises over a million jobs, the solution of
the economical crisis and the mythical bridge over the Sicilian channel.
And in the spectacle of politics, incredibly everyone seems to believe.
Everyone is content in believing in something and everyone is believing in
a virtual future.
Is it a nightmare? No, it's a challenge. And every good cyberpunk loves
challenges. And it probably would be better if the leftist parties also
loved challenges.My observatory is a publishing cooperative, called ShaKe,
in which I work and experiment 12 hours a day. We publish a magazine
called Decoder, we have an objective of publishing 8 books and 2 videos
per year. We manage a BBS with around a thousand users and a computer
network with 18 nodes. We organize multimedia installations, and parties
that we call media-parties, in which the objective is to put technology
like computers, videocams and anything that works over telephone lines, at
the disposal of the people coming to the party. This programme is called
"All technology to the people". In a country with the largest
concentration of commercial television in the world, our latest project is
to partecipate in the construction of community television in Milano, and
to construct a network of similar experiences that are being born in
Italy. Our objective is to give cultural instruments for the survival in
the post-industrial phase, and the production of a social sense that
crosses the use of the new media. The ShaKe cooperative has become in a
brief time and with great surprise a point of reference not only for the
italian digital underground, but also for many people who work in the
field of informatics and information. For example journalists of
informatic magazines, who can't write their reviews on what they really
think of hardware and software because the journals they work for will
lose advertisement money; television operators, frustated by years of
14-hour-a-day work, producing useless TV programmes; programmers/peones,
paid two pounds an hour, who have lost the sense of life. This is
happening all over the world with experiences like ours. This seems
particulary important. All of this scene, in which the ShaKe belongs too,
some people called it cyberpunk, or social-hacking, the edge,
media-activism, but the best definitions seems to be that of culture
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"Jamming is CB slang for the illegal practise of interrupting radio
broadcast or conversation between fellows hams with lip farts and
obscenities. Culture jamming, by contrast, is directed against an ever
more intrusive, instumental technoculture whose operant mode is the
manufacture of consent through the manipulation of symbols. CJ is an
elastic category and accomodates a multitude of subcultural practices.
Outlaw computer hacking with the intent of exposing institutionl
wrongdoing, pirate TV and radio broacasting, non conventional artists, in
a word all the people who are attempting to reclaim the public space ceded
to the chimeras of Hollywood, to restore a sense of equilibrium to a
society sickened by the vertiginous whirl of TV culture."
In addition, culture jamming formed an area of intellectuals and
operators, of thinkers and experimenters who see the underground
positively. This is the first time since the 60's that a young
counterculture has moved this close to the requests of the society in
general, from the world of work and from the production of the sense. In
the 70's and 80's the counterculture was separated from the civil society
by its own need, but this has brought ghettoisation. In the 90's is
mutated radically. And it assists a great creative phase united with the
want of a transformation of the existing circumstances. This is happened
for a series of reasons. Probably Hakim Bey was right in his book TAZ when
he said that since 1899 there has not been a square centimeter of
territory that isn't submmitted to by some kind of national sovereignity
and this fact has determined the end of the possibilities to find a zone
on the planet where we can go and install our utopia. This process that
Bey calls the closure of the map or the end of the frontier, has blocked
our capacity to imagine new potentials for thought and action. But modern
times and the dynamics of productions has created a new frontier, a new
place where we can give life to our dreams: the electronic frontier or
cyberspace: "this is the place where a telephone conversation appears to
occur. Not inside our actual phone, the plastic device on our desk. Not
inside the other person's phone, in some other city. It's the place
between the phones. The indefinite place out there, where two human beings
actually meet and communicate. Light has flooded upon it, the eerie light
of the glowing computer screen. This dark electric netherworld has become
a vast flowering electronic landscape. Since the 1960s the world of the
telephone has crossbred itself with computers and television, and though
there is still no substance to cyberspace, nothing you can handle, it has
a strange kind of physicality now. It makes good sense today to talk of
cyberspace as a place all its own."
In this new territory, like it was in the Far West, the law when it
exists isn't very clear and often only the strongest survives. Like this
the deviance and crime seem to be necessary in a paradoxical situation
where the largest potential number of access to the means of information
in reality corresponds to a great lack in the sharing of communication.
The breaking of the hypothetical rules of cyberspace was used like a
simbolic element to demonstrate that we will not have to support the rules
imposed by the media for all of our lives. And the frustated white collars
which I spoke earlier were in reality the first to consider the hackers as
the heros of a new era. But, the most important thing is that the digital
deviance and the transgression in the way to use new media have opened
topportunities for everyone for more democratic use and access. I believe,
actually, despite the criminalizing campaign of the media, that the most
interesting side is the problem that these creative crimes put into the
sphere of civil rights. I believe that the digital underground or the the
culture jammers must take responsability today to give the world that is
waiting, a signal or a sign of maturity. I think that now is the moment to
fight for the recognization of our rights to have a stable structure for
the transmission, the access, and the conservation of the information of
social relevance. In the electronic we have no need of martyrs, like how
hackers often become. I recall that European Community made a new law, on
the duplication of software and computer crimes in general, that favoures
the corporations and limits our freedom in cyberspace. I believe this
historical moment is the right moment to affirm the new fudamental right
of man, similar to the right of having a house or a job, but in relation
to information.
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The most important point is now the affermation of our
nomadic identity against the ancient concept of nationality. We must state
our identity as travellers of cyberspace fighting for the constitution of
an International Public Network that enables digital transmission between
diverse countries, putting anyone into communication whith anyone who
wants to communicate any kind of information that isn't commercial. These
structures have to be paied for by the government to guarantee access that
cost nothing or at a very low price. The guarantee of low cost access is
also a guarantee of democracy but, at the moment in Europe the access to
Internet is too limited by the burocreacy or from the high costs. We also
need to fight for the social use of the channels of communications, like
ISDN lines, that will permit transporting enormous quantities of
information without high costs of installation. An International Public
Network that would utilize ISDN could give us the opportunities in an
instant, to construct editorial projects or videos with contributors from
all over the world.The new represented by information technology consists
of the fact that the information is totally digitalizable and easily
conserved and trasmitted. Besides, its use is plastic and multimedial. As
the nature of information is mutated, so the laws, the norms and the
rights that rule the whole sector must change. The approach given by the
new international laws was, on the contrary, based on rules of a
gutemberghian concept. We observed the european law assimilate to the
american law, created by the pressure of the software corporation that
enormously limit the possibility of the use of the information even if
this possibility is intrisic to the digital media. So we have to fight to
affirm the right to copy for individual usage, to stress the social use,
and the exchange of information without any kind of frontier or limit. In
reality, the current laws don't guarantee the correct economical
acknoledgement to the indipendent subjects that work with the diverse
product of communications. Infact these laws essentially protect the
rights of the large trusts and major companies. It's important to recall
for the people who still believe that there is a chance of another
american gold rush, that this experience could only happen in brief
periods of capitalism, and was generally finished during the 30's. Bill
Gates and Microsoft confirm this kind of analysis: in 1981 the game was
over and the experimentation with a "basic for the people" programming was
absorbed by big capital. We want ask for the decriminalization of copying
and we want to rouse an exchange in the process of the construction of the
information between free an equal subjects. In the same time, we want to
facilitate and protect shareware programmers that had their products
stolen and patented by big companies.
The right to copy allows to realize strategies of psychic survival in
front of the society of the spectacle and concretly affirming that the
right to information is an ontological right of the social human being in
this era. So we propose the construction of public libraries of images
where we can copy any kind of visual material, with the possibility of
manipulating it into any form. These libraries of images could be located
in special sections of libraries, or they could have a seat in Internet
and be accessable from any part of the world. According to the american
associations, like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, that are working at
this moment on the problem, we want it to be guaranteed furthermore the
most complete privacy of the electronic mail and of the general
communicative exchange by using programs of encription like PGP. We refuse
options like the Clipper chip, that would without doubt give space for
abuse from the government. We ask for the abolition for every form of
censorship regarding the exchange of information in general, and the
electronic communication in particular, consiudering this as a direct
expression of the personal opinion of every citizen.
These are our proposals, but it will not be easy to realize them. If
from one side the process of subsumption of the individual creativity has
still not reached its apex, from the other side the same proposals could
represent some objective limits and obstacles for our experiences. The
contradictions regarding the actual managment of the knowledge will
explode at the moment in which these limits will be felt by a majority of
the operators in the communication field. So our future is still not clear
and nothing is certain. We are only at the beginning of a long process
that still not disclosed in a complete manner. We can look from the window
or accept the challence of modern times and put ourselves in continuos
discussion also in respect to our own identity and live an adventure that
menaces to destroy that we have and everything that we are. We choose to
accept the risk of the second hypothesis, and with optimism we are already
on our way.
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