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Michael Abrash's classic Graphics Programming Black Book is a compilation of Michael's previous writings on assembly language and graphics programming (including from his "Graphics Programming" column in Dr. Dobb's Journal). Much of the focus of this book is on profiling and code testing, as well as performance optimization. It also explores much of the technology behind the Doom and Quake 3-D games, and 3-D graphics problems such as texture mapping, hidden surface removal, and the like. Thanks to Michael for making this book available.

The full text of the book is available here in PDF format. Due to the book's length, we've made each chapter available separately. The files are large, so we don't recommend reading them online. We suggest downloading them first (right-click on the link). You may want to start by downloading the Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction, Part 1 Opening Page, and Part 2 Opening Page. Then download any chapters you want.

If you keep all files in the same directory, the "Previous" and "Next" links at the beginning and end of each chapter will work (provided you have downloaded those chapters).

NOTE: Each chapter also has a "Home" link at its beginning and end. This link does not work: the PDF files were taken from a larger CD-ROM collection, and this link is now out of context. Due to the nature of these files, we were unable to remove the link. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The complete book is 153 MB in size.

Cover area vuota leggi formato PDF scarica file
Table of Contents area vuota leggi formato PDF scarica file
Introduction area vuota leggi formato PDF scarica file
Part 1 [Opening Page] leggi formato PDF scarica file
Part 2 [Opening Page] leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 1 The Best Optimizer is between Your Ears (4.3 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 2 A World Apart (2.7 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 3 Assume Nothing (2.6 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 4 In the Lair of the Cycle-Eaters (3 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 5 Crossing the Border (1.5 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 6 Looking Past Face Value (3.5 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 7 Local Optimization (2.1 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 8 Speeding Up C with Assembly Language (3.7 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 9 Hints My Readers Gave Me (2.7 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 10 Patient Coding, Faster Code (3.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 11 Pushing the 286 and 386 (3.5 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 12 Pushing the 486 (2.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 13 Aiming the 486 (2.4 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 14 Boyer-Moore String Searching (2.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 15 Boyer-Moore String Searching (2.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 16 There Ain't No Such Thing as the Fastest Code (4.7 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 17 The Game of Life (2.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 18 It's a Wonderful Life (4.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 19 Pentium: Not the Same Old Song (1.4 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 20 Pentium Rules (5.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 21 Unleashing the Pentium's V-pipe (0.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 22 Zenning and the Flexible Mind (0.5 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 23 Bones and Sinew (5.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 24 Parallel Processing with the VGA (2.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 25 VGA Data Machinery (2.7 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 26 VGA Write Mode 3 (2.4 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 27 Yet Another VGA Write Mode (3.5 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 28 Reading VGA Memory (0.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 29 Saving Screens and Other VGA Mysteries (1 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 30 Video Est Omnis Divisa (1.1 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 31 Higher 256-Color Resolution on the VGA (1.5 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 32 Be It Resolved: 360x480 (0.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 33 Yogi Bear and Eurythmics Confront VGA Colors (2.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 34 Changing Colors without Writing Pixels (1 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 35 Bresenham Is Fast, and Fast Is Good (1.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 36 The Good, theBad, and the Run-Sliced (0.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 37 Dead Cats and Lightning Lines (0.7 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 38 The Polygon Primeval (3.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 39 Fast Convex Polygons (4.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 40 Of Songs, Taxes, and the Simplicity of Complex Polygons (1 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 41 Those Way-Down Polygon Nomenclature Blues (0.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 42 Wu'ed in Haste; Fried, Stewed at Leisure (1.5 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 43 Bit-Plane Animation (5.6 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 44 Split Screens Save the Page-Flipped Day (1.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 45 Dog Hair and Dirty Rectangles (2.5 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 46 Who Was that Masked Image? (0.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 47 Mode X: 256-Color VGA Magic (1.5 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 48 Mode X Marks the Latch (1.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 49 Mode X 256-Color Animation (2.7 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 50 Adding a Dimension (1.3 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 51 Sneakers in Space (1.6 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 52 Fast 3-D Animation: Meet X-Sharp (0.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 53 Raw Speed and More (0.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 54 3-D Shading (1.1 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 55 Color Modeling in 256-Color Mode (2.3 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 56 Pooh and the Space Station (1.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 57 10,000 Freshly Sheared Sheep on the Screen (2.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 58 Heinlein's Crystal Ball, Spock's Brain, and the 9-Cycle Dare (2.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 59 The Idea of BSP Trees (1.6 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 60 Compiling BSP Trees (0.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 61 Frames of Reference (0.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 62 One Story, Two Rules, and a BSP Renderer (0.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 63 Floating-Point for Real-Time 3-D (0.6 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 64 Quake's Visible-Surface Determination (2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 65 3-D Clipping and Other Thoughts (1.6 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 66 Quake's Hidden-Surface Removal (0.7 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 67 Sorted Spans in Action (0.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 68 Quake's Lighting Model (1.8 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 69 Surface Caching and Quake's Triangle Models (0.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Chapter 70 Quake: A Post-Mortem and a Glimpse into the Future (1.9 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Afterword (0.1 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file
Index (2.2 MB) leggi formato PDF scarica file


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Graphics Programming Black Book © 2001 Michael Abrash

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