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THE HISTORY OF SCOOPEX by Antibyte / Fishwave / TMB
I. The Beginning (1988 - 1990)

Scoopex - an Amiga demo group founded back in 1988 by Ranger & Shark the Master. Since then it changed from being an Austrian group to be international based. Scoopex is the successor of the Austrian based group Megaforce (MFC). Megaforce was founded in 1983 on C64 and was active in the Cracking as well as the demo scene. Crazy Typer's legendary demos brought MFC a good reputation and their constant releases the membership in the so called 'Leading Five' cooperation.

In 1988 the French Section of MFC (organized by Nasty Boy) got problems with the police due to piracy. Therefore Ranger, who was the leader of Megaforce, decided to put MFC to rest and start up a new group. Thus Scoopex was born! Most of the old MFC members became SCX (short for Scoopex) members and also other's joined in (like e.g.: J.O.E., who was in TSK-Crew back then). The slogan 'Generations Ahead' was invented by Shark the Master (although it's quite similar to the old Megaforce slogan 'Always Lightyears Ahead'). Still Scoopex didn't quit piracy, but demos seemed to become more important.

Crazy Typer had quit the scene after his harddrive had a headcrash (and he didn't have any backups), so people like Shark the Master, Vectrex and Challenger were responsible for the coding of most of the releases back then, which includes demos like 'Lazer Light', 'Glory Stars', 'Glory Stars2' and 'Xenomorphs'.

A subgroup in the United Kingdom called 'Share and Enjoy' (SAE), that actually had joined in the last days of Megaforce, released a couple of productions as well. Scoopex was the group with the most demo releases in 1989. It was also in that year that the likes of Slayer and Reward joined. They released the 'Seven Sins' demo, which was the most popular demo in the Scene since Red Sector's Megademo. Share and Enjoy left the same year.

II. Being Living Legends (1990-1992)

However the beginning of a new era were the days around March 1990. It was not only a new era for Scoopex but for the whole scene! 'Mental Hangover' got released, brought Scoopex to the top of the charts and changed the style of demos completely. Up to that point all big demos were socalled 'Megademos', which consisted of different parts with different music linked together by a loader, which was the same after each part. 'Mental Hangover' was the first 'Trackmo' (Trackloading Demo) ever and invented the style that was used in demos from 1990 until approximately 1996.

Slayer dominated the coder charts, Reward topped the gfx charts, Mental Hangover the multi-load-demo charts, TMB the swapper charts, Heiko the uploader charts and so on. Scoopex ruled the Scene for more than a year until Phenomena released their charttopper 'Enigma'. Slayer released some intros, the demo 'Chromium' and announced 'World of Wodka' (because of this Ranger called his BBS 'World of Wodka', too) to be the sequel of Mental Hangover. After that he quit. World of Wodka never got finished, but became one of the most 'famous demos' anyway so to speak. Uno joined in Sweden and his graphics for Zine and Enigma made him number one in the gfx charts.

In the end of 1991 / beginning of 1992 Reward left for Complex and the Finnish Section died. In 1992 Ranger retired and Trade took over the organizing. By this the generation that made Scoopex a name on the scene, and rightfully were said to be living legends Amiga demoscene wisely, passed the job on to those who wanted to keep Scoopex on the top.

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III. Slow Start & French Influences (1992-1994)

'Surprise! Productions'  (S!P) joined as a subgroup in 1992 from TRSI but left half a year later again except for Spycatcher, who released two dentros called 'It's Tricky' and 'Seen Before' and the German members of S!P. Yet these were the only big releases for 1992 and certainly Scoopex could not live up to the expectations that many people had. The demoscene media predicted the death of yet another Amiga legend as it had happened with many other groups, but this time there were wrong.

Eventhough 1992 was a slow start for the 'new' generation, the production pipeline was filled very well in 1993; for example Antibyte released his trackmo 'Pha-Q'. Still one has to admit that Scoopex had lost ground compared to the other dominating groups of that time (e.g. Anarchy, The Silents, Sanity, Virtual Dreams). Actually in 1994 the most famous production going by the label of Scoopex was Mr.King's pack 'Nevermind'.

Luckily Scoopex got hold of a French section that was powerful enough to breath new life into body and mind of Scoopex. One of the most famous sceners ever who must be mentioned is Made, the ingenious graphician, who rushed his mouse over screen as a Scoopex member at that time.

IV. Rising! (1995-1996)

Backed up by quality productions from France like 'Artcore', Made's slideshow, the trackmo 'ISO' or the harddisk-demo 'Cyberia', also the rest of Scoopex found back their motivation. Antibyte got active again and released his dentro Alien as well as 'Zero Gravity 2', a 40k intro that took the charts by storm.

In Denmark Boogeyman joined and soon was supposed to be one of the major coders in Scoopex.

V. Scoopex and their affection for being #1 (1997-1998)

Those who had taken the initiative cut down their activities, the French section, but the strong going group around Antibyte and Boogeyman kept the pace and lead Scoopex to its by far best period in the group's history,

Never before Scoopex was that productive. Yet it wasn't only the quantity but also the quality that stunned all four corners of the demoscene populated world. In 1997 there were milestones like Lazur's slideshow '5977', the demo 'The Sign', the winning The Party '97 demo 'My Kingdom' in cooperation with Haujobb, and 'Superautodrome', the amazing 40k intro by Antibyte that also got a number one ranking in the intro competition at The Party 1997. Furthermore Scoopex got hold of 'Seenpoint' & the entire staff behind it, one of the most popular Amiga demoscene magazines ever.

Consequently Scoopex rushed to the top of the scene charts (e.g. The Official Eurochart), actually for the very first time in the group's history. Even the crew around Slayer didn't celebrate such a massive success. Antibyte became the most respected coder, too, and lead the charts far ahead. Scoopex lived their slogan - Generations ahead.

The coming twelve months of 1998 fully justified Scoopex' position. 'Superautodrome 2' won the MekkaSymposium party, so did the intro '1000%' and the demo 'Alien 2', a mindblasting 3d demo, that both won their competitions each at The Party '98. Furthermore Seenpoint reached the number one spot as most popular diskmag, too, and most of the Scoopex members actually were very popular as you could see from both general feedback & charts.

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VI. What goes up... (1999-2000)

1999 started very well. Scoopex' first major release on the PC, 'Alien 2 PC', came 3rd in the demo-competition at MekkaSymposium '99, and Scoopex took home first and second place in the Amiga 4k competition, too. Seenpoint got published for the ninth time, being one of the best issues ever.

Lateron this year there were some minor releases, but most of the group kept a very low profile. Antibyte proverbially disappeared from the scene, Boogeyman had quit the scene, the Seenpoint staff showed heavy signs of disintegration and overall the whole group was a shadow of its former self. Many members left or quit the scene, many new members teamed up.

Also the year 2000 did not start very promising with the death of Seenpoint on Amiga (issue #10 was the last one as an Amiga executable). This happened in January and it took another 11 months (!) to see Scoopex alive. At least they managed to release their second major release for PC, 'Audio Video Disco' that came fifth in the demo-competition at The Party 2000. be continued: 2001 - ...!

This list gives you a view of our entryplaces:

Mental Hangover1st at Gothenburg'90 (demo)
TP9240k4th at TheParty92 (40k)
Semi40k1st. at SEMI93 (40k)
Alien2nd at Abduction95 (demo)
ISO3rd at Remedy95 (demo)
Zero Gravity11th at TheParty95 (40k)
Free Your Mind3rd at TheParty95 (40k)
Cyberia6th at Assembly96 (demo)
Quantum9th at Saturne96 (64k)
Zero Gravity 22nd at TheParty96 (40k)
The Sign6th at Symposium/Mekka97 (demo)
Phorce2nd at Abduction97 (64k)
Performance1st at Wired97 (64k)
Zero Gravity 32nd at Assembly97 (64k)
Superautodrome1st at TheParty97 (40k)
My Kingdom1st at TheParty97 (demo)
Torque2nd at Flag98 (40k)
Haupex1st at SceneMeeting98 (40k)
Superautodrome 21st at Symposium/Mekka98 (40k)
Effusion6th at Assembly98 (64k)
System Crime2nd at Assembly98 (64k)
Moving6th at TheParty98 (40k)
1000%1st at TheParty98 (40k)
Alien 21st at TheParty98 (demo)
Alien 2 PC3rd at MekkaSymposium99 (PC demo)
Hyper1st at MekkaSymposium99 (4k)
Das EFX2nd at MekkaSymposium99 (4k)
Pulsar4th at Assembly99 (64k)
Eclipse1st at LTP3 '99 (A500 compo)
Audio Video Disco5th at The Party 2000 (PC demo)
Millenium1st at LTP4 2000 (A500 compo)
Art1st at MekkaSymposium 2001 (PC 64k)
0032nd at Escape 2001 (PC 64k)
Blue Knot1st at WebIT 2002 (PC 64k)

Further achievements:

We have won a golden Generation97 Award for 'Superautodrome' as Best Intro
and for 'Seenpoint' as Best Diskmag.
A silver Generation97 Award also went to Antibyte in the category of Best Coder.

(c) 2001-2003 Scoopex - Generations Ahead

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