The Matrix, reloaded [Script in Italiano] |
TheRealSonGokuZ |
Cinema e Cyberpunk |
Michele Tetro |
Il Cyberpunk nel cinema degli anni Novanta |
Anna Pazzaglia |
The Code: Synopsis |
Hannu Puttonen |
The Matrix, Philip K. Dick's "Valis," Nag Hammadi, Gnosism, and The Essenes |
Stephen Lindsey |
The Matrix and Quantum Consciousness |
Tony Smith |
The Matrix Screenplay |
Matrix as Messiah Movie. Paralleli Neo/Cristo |
Generation Exile and Neo Restoration. A study of messianic hope in the matrix |
Paul Fontana |
THE MATRIX: il testo originale della sceneggiatura |
Larry and Andy Wachowski |
Andrea Iovinelli |
Matrix o del silicio gnostico. Alcune riflessioni sulla simbologia del film |
Danilo Santoni |
Motivi Postmoderni e Ambiente nelle Pellicole Cyberpunk...sull'Esempio di Matrix dei fratelli Wachowski |
Paul "nEo" Martin |
Matrix e il Millennio |
Mick Broderick |
The Matrix: il film |
Intercom |
The Matrix: A Cyberpunk Parable? |
Intercom |
Animatrix: l'animazione secondo i Wachowski Bros |
Valerio Salvi |
Animatrix: Story Board |
Daniele Vecchio |
Animatrix |
DVD Essential |
Hippies from Hell |
Ine Poppe |
"Hackers" Movie Script |
Typed by Lo Wang |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: Plato's cave and The Matrix |
John Partridge |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: Neo's Freedom...Whoa! |
Michael McKenna |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: Artificial Ethics |
Julia Driver |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: The Matrix Metaphysics |
David Chalmers |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: What's So Bad About Living in The Matrix |
James Pryor |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: Wake Up! Gnosticism & Buddhism in The Matrix |
Frances Flannery-Dailey & Rachel Wagner |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: The Matrix: Our Future? |
Kevin Warwick |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: Reality, What Matters, and the Matrix |
Iacovos Vasiliou |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: Reflections on the First Matrix |
Richard Hanley |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: The Brave New World of the Matrix |
Hubert Dreyfus & Stephen Dreyfus |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY - The Matrix of Dreams |
Colin McGinnr |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY - The Value of Reality - Cypher and the Experience Machine |
Crhistopher Grau |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY - Brains in Vats and the Devil Demon |
Crhistopher Grau |
MATRIX PHILOSOPHY: Dream Skepticism |
Crhistopher Grau |
Technologies of Identity |
Yvonne Volkart |
Tamed Girls Running Wild. Figurations of Unruliness in Contemporary Video Art |
Yvonne Volkart |
Cinema - Intro | |
La filmografia degli internauti |
G. Maritati |